FAQ Plant Pods

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What is the best way to water my plant pod?

To water your plant pod, do the following:
                        A: Mix fertilizer sachet with water (as per instructions)
                        B: Place plant pods into a shallow tray on your windowsill
                        C: Pour in the nutrient rich water into the base of the tray
                        D: The pods will absorb the water.
                        E: Add more water as needed.
NB: Do not over water your pods, the pods just need to be suitably wet they should not be “floating” in water as this will cause the seeds to rot.

What do I do with my Plant Pod once it has germinated?

We recommend waiting till the plant has grown into a strong sturdy little seedling. Once this has happened you can then transplant the pod into a pot or the garden.

How long will it take for my seed to germinate in the Plant Pod ?

All seeds in the Plant Pod germinate at different times – however most seeds should germinate within 2 – 3 weeks. Visit our website www.microgarden.co.za for more info.

Do I need to put my Plant Pod somewhere where it can get light ?

Yes, all plants even Plant Pods need light to survive.

Is the Plant Pod biodegradable ?

Yes, Plant Pod is 100% biodegradable.

Why should I use a Plant Pod ?

The Plant Pod has been specifically formulated, it has the perfect balance of EC and PH. This together with the fact that the root structure always has enough water to draw from allows for excellent germination, and optimal growth. Resulting in an abundant harvest.

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