Loving Mother Nature this Valentine’s Day


As it is the month of love, Microgarden would like to encourage you to embody all forms of love, especially the love for mother nature. At Microgarden we believe self-love, shared love and environmental love are equally important and should be recognised this Valentine’s Day. 

It is important to nurture yourself and focus on the aspects of yourself that you love. Many of us, myself included, try to keep up with the fast paced life and forget about living a conscious lifestyle, one where we are taking care of ourselves and our planet. Therefore, I have tried to make family habits of filling our time with soulful activities such as spending time in nature, cooking, gardening and creating. Self-love is about making time for the things that make your soul happy. 

Mother nature is a wonderful gift and we need to treasure her. Microgarden’s business model is focused on sourcing sustainable and eco-friendly products that enhance and protect the environment. Our aim is to expose our community to different ways one can live more sustainably and be in tune with nature. Our wish for you this Valentine’s Day, is to make small changes to live in harmony with mother nature. 

In terms of shared love, as human beings we rely on human connection and compassion. We believe that the love we give others comes back tenfold. That is why this Valentine’s Day we are donating to the Greenpop NPO, who empower environmental stewards through reforestation, urban greening and sustainable development across Sub-Saharan Africa. We are spreading our love, by contributing to make the planet a greener place for our loved ones to live in. 

Check out this inspiring NPO:  https://greenpop.org 

We encourage all of you to tap into the three different forms of love this month, self-love, truly appreciate one another and the environment you live in. Let us know what you are doing for Valentine’s Day this year, Microgarden would love to hear! 

Encouraging you to love the planet as much as your loved ones, 

Kerry Engelen 

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