I have some good news to share! I am delighted to say that Shell, the petrol and oil heavyweight giant has been stopped in their tracks. Thanks to thousands of protestors who highlighted the potential irreversible damage to all wildlife and marine life living along the Wild Coast should the project commence.
Firstly, let’s look at what has transpired up until now:
Towards the end of October 2021 a petition was created by Ocean not Oil Coalition to stop Shells seismic survey along our beautiful, indigenous Wild Coast. It was through conversations, protests and outcries from citizens all over SA an unbelievable 400,000 petitions were signed by 5th of December 2021. This was presented to the Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment resulting in Mineral Resources and Energy Minister, Gwede Mantashe temporarily stopping Shells operation from commencing.
Secondly, let’s see what Seismic bombing involves?
Offshore oil and gas exploration uses deafening seismic surveys that generate the loudest human sounds in the ocean, short of those made by explosives. Seismic testing involves blasting the seafloor with high-powered airguns (a kind of powerful horn) every 10 seconds. These blasts disturb, injure and kill marine wildlife around the clock for years on end.
Who does this affect the most?
Moreover, the Wild Coast is one of South Africa’s most unspoiled beaches still very true to its natural state. However, should this project commence it will destroy the natural habitat and the marine life. The Wild Coast is home to wonderful animals! Namely, hump-back whales, turtles, dolphins and numerous fish all their lives are at danger. This would have an immediate effect on the lives of the local fisherman and eco-tourism industry.
Interestingly the International Energy Agency has stated that no new fuel projects should go ahead. If the world would like to reach a net zero emissions by 2050. Climate change is an ongoing crisis! We should not be exploring new ways to emit carbon emissions especially if it will directly impact both humans and animals well-being.
Marine lovers stop Shell in their tracks!
3 Key reasons why Marine Lovers wanted to stop Shell:
Shell’s seismic survey involves blasting every 10 seconds for 24 hours reaching 220 decibels will be too loud for any marine life.
The project has the potential to put local, businesses and the eco-tourism at risk if commenced.
Should the project commence it will start the conversation for many more fossil fuel energy projects in the future.
Even though I am delighted with the outcome for now I know there needs to be many more conversations and petitions in order to Stop Shell in their tracks for good. I love this picture above as it portrays exactly what needs to be done. We need to Save the Wild Coast and we need to do it together.
Lets all say NO to Shell!
Lastly, for more blogs relating to our beautiful planet click here.
With light and encouragement and love for the Wild Coast,
Kerry Englen.