Microgarden’s Top Sustainability Goals for 2021

Hello Microgarden community,

As 2021 is now upon us, my family and I have decided on what our sustainable goals are for the year. We have written our sustainable plans and will be holding each person in our family accountable. We would love to be that support system for you as well, so please do share with us your eco-friendly resolutions or join us in following our selected goals.

Firstly, our family’s main goal is to reduce our household plastic intake by another third this year. Here are some of the ways in which we plan on doing that:

Here are some easy ways you can reduce your plastic consumption;

  1. Say no to plastic straws
  2. Take your own reusable bags when shopping
  3. Change plastic tupper-wares for glass or steel containers
  4. When hanging washing use steel pegs not plastic pegs
  5. Use eco-friendly coffee cups and water bottles not plastic ones
  6. Recycle your plastic packaging

Secondly, with the plastic we do have, we are going to create eco-bricks. Here is a link to a website that explains eco-bricks and lists various locations in South Africa that you can drop off to;


Thirdly, we are going to where possible, not purchase food that is wrapped in excessive plastic. These are some examples of businesses you can support whom provide a plastic free shopping experience:

The Unwrapped: https://theunwrappedco.co.za

Shop Zero: https://shopzero.co.za

Nude Foods: Nude Foods | Plastic Free Grocerynudefoods.co

Faithful to Nature: https://www.faithful-to-nature.co.za/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA6Or_BRC_ARIsAPzuer8ZAa4xHBm6t9WjGRTIcThsOWH5Lq0_0f36OPMv_F7vUSPPJEDjrvoaAhdAEALw_wcB

Lastly, we as a family are going to plant more veggies in our garden to reduce the herbs and vegetables we need to buy from the shops. We absolutely love the fresh taste our organic herbs and veggies add to our meals. There is no substitute for the nutrients within organic produce which have not been sprayed with pesticides, harsh chemicals and gone through the packaging process resulting in great store displays.  Do you have a herb garden?

Check out our herb bags, which make creating the perfect herb garden so easy!



Let’s work on being more sustainable together! Share in the comments below what your family is doing this year.

Sending love, happiness and motivation

Kerry Engelen

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