Bees,Bees magnificent little Bees!

They really are the bee’s knees! We rely heavily on them to pollinate our crops. These very crops are what feed the world’s population. But here is the deal… the harmful pesticides used on crops are killing them. What else harms these little creatures? 

What is killing them ? 

  • Pesticides
  • Electromagnetic Radiation
  • Bee diseases & parasites
  • Habitat loss

Studies have proven that if a colony of bees are exposed to more than one pesticide it can kill up to 40% of them. How crazy is this?! Not only are pesticides killing them, they are not healthy or safe for human consumption. Therefore it is very important for farmers to start practicing healthier farming methods. 

An article written about the Department of Agriculture in California proves my point. They used harmful pesticides that not only destroyed the crops, it caused the US beekeepers to lose out too. It was not only the hives that suffered, it was their supply chain too. Honey Bees help generate $15 billion worth of fruits, nuts and vegetables a year. Now that is a lot of money!

An incredible 70 out of 100 food crops need bee pollination that is roughly 90% of the world’s food supply. Therefore, a third of the world’s food depends on these little beauties. To put that into perspective for you ‘Every third spoonful of food is because of pollination’. Just think about that for a second.

Examples of Food’s that Bees contribute too.

There is a local South African brand called ‘Chasing the Bees’ which donates a % of their profits to saving the bees. Please check out their website here. I love their clothing and what they stand for. The organisation they support, is doing incredible work .

Other ways we can support these little creatures: 

  1. Donate ,
  2. Sign a petition to Ban Harmful chemicals
  3. Free Swam removals, call your local Beekeeper to remove bees if needed 
  4. Buy your own hive
  5. Search for Plant Bee Friendly Gardens here.

We offer Bee Friendly Plants: Purchase our Microgarden Chives

With Love and encouragement ??

Kerry Engelen

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