Spring is here !

Did you say Spring ? Really ? But its still so damn cold ! I don’t know about you but I am seriously over being cold , wearing tracksuit pants , thick socks , oversized jumpers and beanies .

I love Spring , I love the way the gentle warmth of a Spring day wraps itself around you , I love the gentleness and the smell of the air , I love all the little flowers that are suddenly in bloom, scattered everywhere , I love being outside in nature and of course I love eating delicious healthy nutritious food.

That’s why fresh organic herbs are a must !

In fact I cannot live without them .They take my meals from being average to scrumptious with little to no fuss.

I have been growing herbs with our Microgarden Smart Garden all winter- I love this little beast ! Its the most fabulous little unit , it never disappoints . It just keeps on churning out fresh organic herbs time and time again.

Check this little beauty out.

Hydroponic Smart Garden(Opens in a new browser tab)

But now that Spring is here I am feeling the need to get outdoors.

So I was thinking to create an outdoor vertical garden this Spring .I have a little wooden fence that I think will work just perfectly for a little vertical garden .

Microgarden Growbags provide a convenient, space-saving way to grow your own fresh organic herbs with minimal fuss .Each bag comes with a packet of heirloom seeds and a full set of instructions. Its as easy as one, two, three.Why don’t you give it a try ?

I though to share some herb health benefits , here are three of my favorites below. So besides just tasting good they are also super healthy and good for you too.


Best when fresh, exuding a sweet, earthy aroma. Vitamins and minerals found in basil include iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, vitamin C and potassium.Organic basil also provides vitamin A, which contains beta-carotenes , a powerful antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage.


High in fiber, which acts as a laxative, and folate, which is essential for DNA synthesis. Organic chives are an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese . Helping to ease in digestion, soothe upset stomachs, prevent bad breath, and have a diuretic effect that can lower high blood pressure.


Is useful as a digestive aid with its high fiber content. This helps move foods through the digestive tract and controls blood-cholesterol levels. A tea made from organic parsley is a traditional remedy for colic, indigestion, and intestinal gas. As a herb sprinkled on food, it actually helps purify the blood and fight cancer. Eating parsley is now thought to be a way to detoxify the system of harmful compounds like mercury, sometimes found in dental fillings.

If you would like to grow fresh organic herbs using our Smart Garden or Grow Bag you can purchase one here below.

Faithful To Nature: 




Eat healthy , stay healthy.

Lots of love Kerry 

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