Standing up for Sustainability in 2021

As the new year has dawned upon us,Microgarden encourages you to take the time to re-centre, recharge and live a conscious lifestyle. The start of the year calls for new year resolutions, change and adapting our ways to inspire growth. One of Microgarden’s main values is sustainability and preserving the planet one eco product at a time. We are proud to stand behind the global sustainable development goal, number 12, Responsible Consumption and Production.

Is your business aligned to one of these goals?

To find out more about the importance of this global movement, click here;

Sustainably described by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is designed on the principle, “everything we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly on our environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations”.

The words that resonate the most with us is the ability to exist in harmony with the environment. It is important to preserve our planet through conscious living. All our products are specifically chosen to maximize the preservation of our magnificent planet. We urge you to think consciously and to practice ways of becoming more sustainable and focused on protecting the planet for future generations.

A projected yet powerful quote by Greta Thunberg states, “Climate change has already been solved. We already have the facts and solutions. All we have to do is wake up and change”.

If you do not know who Greta Thunberg is, do yourself a favour and watch this inspiring young lady’s message to the world leaders; click this link.

Look out for our next blog, where we highlight how our family aims to be more conscious andmoresustainable this year.

How do you plan on starting conscious eco-living this year? We would love to hear – please share in the comments below!

Hope you have a lovely, inspired day making conscious decisions to preserve our planet.

Kerry Engelen

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