When you make the decision to create a more sustainable lifestyle, it can be hard to know where to start. There is no need to panic! In today’s pocket of knowledge I will be unpacking a few ways you can start your sustainable lifestyle journey, today!
Find Your Way to a Dairy Alternative
I recently watched a documentary called Milked on YouTube. It was fascinating and slightly daunting to discover what happens within the diary industry. I urge you to watch this documentary to truly understand the impact the diary industry has on our environment. After watching this documentary, it would be clever of us human beings to consume less diary. Unless you are vegan there is no need to cut out diary completely. It is wise, however, to try and buy less dairy products when possible. For instance, I have switched from drinking cow’s milk to oat milk. A small change like this can make a huge difference and it is one way for you to start your sustainable lifestyle journey.
Back to Basics…Recycle
Recycling as a consumer is another way one can create a more sustainable life for oneself and positively impact the Earth. Recycling reduces waste and water pollution, saves energy, protects wildlife and even creates more job opportunities. These are only a few benefits out of many that can create a greener future for our environment. You can find more information around recycling in my latest blog.
Become Your Own Farmer
Although it may sound intimidating to start growing your own produce, it can create many health benefits to you as well as sustaining our planet. It is known that produce from the grocery store often lacks nutritional benefits. Therefore, growing your own fruit and vegetables will enable you to bring diversity, better nutrition and homegrown flavour to your table. You may be wary of where to even start. I sell a few products that will make growing your own produce simple and efficient. Products such as: Sprout Bags, Hydroponic Smart Garden, Grow Bags and Plant Pods. If you put your mind to it, you will discover that growing produce from home can be as simple as purchasing produce in the store.
Clean While Saving The Planet
I have been using eco-friendly cleaning products for a couple years now and let me tell you, these products indeed do a better job than the normal chemical cleaning products. Being a clean freak myself, it can be hard to switch to different cleaning products when you have been through a process and have found the one but for the environment it is a small step you can take in order to preserve our home.
It only takes a few small acts of sustainability to make a change in our environment. I hope this blog was informative for you to be able to start your sustainable journey. Comment below other ways to be more sustainable that we can all learn from.
Start Your Sustainable Journey!